That’s what Elena had this morning.
Don’t judge.
I said no to her request for cookies,
pudding & ice cream.
& I convinced her to have
cherry yogurt first.
What happened to my good little
eater? It’s not like she would eat just anything but she had a nice variety of
foods she was happy to gobble up without complaint…now for almost 2 weeks she
barely eats anything at all & is refusing even her most favourite staples!
Is this another byproduct of the
terrible twos?
We did have a triad of issues pop
up this week…1) her last set of molars are in. Thankfully I think that means
all of them…I haven’t been able to get a good look & sticking my fingers in
is dangerous stuff these days! 2) As always while Elena is teething, she’s
ended up with cankers from chewing on her cheeks. 3rd) She had
pinkeye this week though I don’t see how this would affect her appetite except
that she of course ended up with a minor cold along with it.
I’m more of a mind to suspect
that her refusal to eat is more likely another way for Elena to express her
independence. Or maybe it’s a little of both…either way I refuse to make meal
time a battle ground…but I won’t let her just eat junk either. If she’s willing
to eat junk & refuses proper food then it’s definitely a defiance issue
& not an appetite issue, right?
My strategy for this (what I hope
is a) phase? I’m remembering advice our Dr gave when I was introducing solids:
It is up to me to offer healthy choices & it is up to me to offer these
choices frequently…it is up to her how much she eats & when. She won’t
This worked then & by not
forcing the issue or getting stressed out, she became a very good eater &
learned this wasn’t a button she can push with me. What I hate is that sometimes
the only way to get her to eat the good stuff is a promise of junk…hence the
marshmallows. It was the only way I could get her to eat the yogurt...&
usually she LOVES yogurt!
Of course we’re still having
other issues but I do feel better equipped to deal with them. Thanks to Shannon’s review , I have ordered Happiest Toddler on the Block & upon Mel’s
suggestion I also ordered No-Cry Discipline Solution. (Plus a book for Elena’s
Birthday, thanks for the suggestion, Gille!)
The one thing that is working
really well is Toddler speak (?) where I verbalize to Elena what she’s upset for,
“Elena doesn’t want to clean up the toys” which has headed off many a tantrum
lately…however there are times when she goes off & I have absolutely no
idea WHY she’s so upset or WHAT set her off!! That is when my patience is
shortest & frustration is highest.
I know the biggest source of
Elena’s frustration stems from her lack of vocabulary…she has her own language
(Elenaglish, I call it) but I only understand her a third of the time.
Like tonight at dinner, I was asking what she wanted, another strategy for eating, she’s more likely to eat something if it’s of her choosing…anyway, she’s saying “Ba”…& I have no clue what she wants! But she keeps saying it over & over so I do what I often do, I ask her to SHOW me…well she walks me down the stairs to the garage door. I’m perplexed! Until I realize she’s guided me to the freezer (we keep it in the garage)…light bulb!! I ask, “Pizza?” She squeals with delight & responds, “Uh huh, Ba!!!” REALLY??!! How the hell was I supposed to know that Ba was Pizza??
Like tonight at dinner, I was asking what she wanted, another strategy for eating, she’s more likely to eat something if it’s of her choosing…anyway, she’s saying “Ba”…& I have no clue what she wants! But she keeps saying it over & over so I do what I often do, I ask her to SHOW me…well she walks me down the stairs to the garage door. I’m perplexed! Until I realize she’s guided me to the freezer (we keep it in the garage)…light bulb!! I ask, “Pizza?” She squeals with delight & responds, “Uh huh, Ba!!!” REALLY??!! How the hell was I supposed to know that Ba was Pizza??
Ah, toddlers…my books can't get here fast enough!!