Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Very Practical!

My Useless Knowledge gadget strikes again!

Not sure how I feel about this one...part of me thinks, "How neat!" & the other part thinks, "That's just not fair!"


  1. Mother nature does amaze. Where's MY back up??

  2. Daaaaaaam that's a great idea! Thanks for all your comments on my blog. :-) It's so nice to 'know' others going through this.

  3. I'll echo the "not fair!" part!

  4. haha, yes, not fair. But then, we get to have epidurals and 'glee'...maybe its not so bad after all!

  5. Ha, my first thought after reading this was that I do have back up embryo's. 3 frozen ones from my IVF cycle. Just waiting for me to be ready! Yay for technology.

  6. Mother Nature really has NOT tipped the balance in our favour. How on earth have we managed the population we have, with fertility like ours???
    How are things going with you Tiara??

  7. You've been so quiet this week, I decided to give you a blogger award on my blog so you'd have a reason to post! :)

  8. I also put you on my blog for a blogger award. Two noms should bring you around right?


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